Friday, June 18, 2010

London Screenwriters' Festival

£299 for three days of ramming my head full of lovely screenwriting knowledge. I am so going! But how to afford it? I've just gone self employed so money is tighter than a duck's bum hole in winter.

Steal? Potential for an instantly large gain, but also a big risk of finding myself at Her Majesty's pleasure at the time of the festival. VERDICT - DON'T BEND DOWN FOR THE SOAP TYPE LOSE

Sell everything I own? I don't own anything of significant value that I can sell, except the wife and child, but I'm sure human trafficking is illegal. VERDICT - LOSE

Beg? I'm old and my knees hurt. If I got down on them I'm not sure I'd get back up again. VERDICT - LOSE & POSSIBLE PERMANENT INJURY

Borrow? My bank manager laughed at me when I asked, and my parents left the country the next day. VERDICT - LOSER!!!

Sell Vital Organs? I'm already in trouble for having three kidneys and two livers on eBay. VERDICT - DEAD

Actually Sell Some Work? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. VERDICT - YEAH RIGHT


My only choice seems to be to sneak over the wall on the day.

Who's with me?


Elinor said...

I'm with you Dom!

Jared said...

I'll bring the pole vault.

We can re-enact Clouseau trying to breach the castle walls, a la Pink Panther Strikes Again.

Anonymous said...

So with you on that. When I heard it was £299 a heavy depression fell. To be honest, I'd rather use that money to actively pitch my scripts via Virtual Pitchfest.

So saving my cash - not much from DWP - to do just that in October.

Dominic Carver said...

Jonathan, it's worth the money just for the networking opportunities. My career has moved on so much since the last time I went...I have to go again.