Friday, June 01, 2007

Sore Fingers And Back

The second day of writing wasn't as good as the first, but it was still a valiant effort none the less. Wednesday I managed seventeen pages and yesterday ten. That's twenty seven pages in two days, an achievement in any one's book.

I now have twenty pages to go and I'm in no rush to tell you the truth. Some of the pages on Wednesday were crap and I don't really want to repeat that, so I will be taking my time on the last twenty pages (say five pages a day next week) to ensure decent quality.

What have I learnt from the last couple of days? My rush to get the script finished has been a reminder that to survive as a writer you have to write. Sounds such a simple thing to say doesn't it, but it's so true and sometimes we can be distracted from this. I know last year I was. I was too occupied with rewrites to write anything new and this was a mistake. I dried up and didn't move forward.

I was also reminded that on the first draft it is important to get the pages down, to get it written. Then you need at least a month away from it before you look at it again. Then is the time to start sifting the good from the bad.

My problem is I like to write quality all the time, and I often find myself going back over what I've written several times even before the script is half written. It's a habit I'm going to have to kick if I want to write more new work this year.

Thanks for taking that journey with me.


potdoll said...

glad you got something out of it dom

Dominic Carver said...

Yep, although I'm not sure sore fingers and a bad back were what I was looking for.

Near by said...

just been reading your (hidden Daddy blog.
The chicken/baby dream is brill - should be a short film..

Lianne said...

Well done on getting this far Dom.

Far Away's comment has piqued my interest so just had a look at the chicken/baby post. This is actually the subject of an urban myth - usually it is a stoned babysitter cooking the baby instead of a turkey. So maybe you are not really that anxious about the baby at all, the urban myth has just seeped into your subconscious! I read a great book about urban myths earlier this year called the Vanishing Hitchiker. Lots of useful stuff in there for writers.