I don't know which to send now so I'm leaving the decision up to you lovely bloggers. The links to all three scripts are below (don't worry only ten pages each roughly). All you have to do is name the two you like the most in the comments and I'll go with the majority decision.
Thanks for your help.
The Dead Side Of Life.
I Do?
Dom, my two choices would be 'The Dead Side of Life' and 'Goodbye'. I favour the former though just because it's slightly left of field and stands out.
Good luck.
I vote for 'Dead Side.'
Pillock, what's your second choice, as I'm submitting two?
Yes, I'd go with 'Dead Side' and 'Goodbye'. Do you want some more feedback on these? Drop me an email if so.
Dead side and I do.
Goodbye was a bit too obvious for me.
So which one did your wife pick?
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