Tuesday, February 15, 2011


A couple of friends of mine have raved about InkTip in the past and how good it is, but I've never quite been convinced that spending $60 (+$20 for WGA script registration) to post a script on a website is the best way to go. I have now changed my mind, because the one thing InkTip does offer you is the chance to hone your logline and synopsis abilities. How does InkTip do this?

The first point of contact for producers is usually your logline and if it doesn't hook the reader first time producers are unlikely to be interested in your script, more so in the US than in the UK. InkTip very kindly provides a list of producers who have viewed your logline and a list of those that went on to read your synopsis and maybe even your script. What this gives you is an opportunity to try out your loglines and synopsises, fine tuning them to create better, more eye catching hooks for those producers. If you get a lot of logline views but no synopsis views then it's obvious your logline needs work. Make those changes and see how those changes affect the synopsis views. You'll know when you've hit on the correct formula when your synopsis views suddenly jump up.

Besides InkTip is great for giving your scripts exposure and you never know, you might just find a home for it. Go on, give it a try.

1 comment:

Dominic Carver said...

Due to several requests I will revisit the InkTip issue again, writing more about my experiences as I learn more. I will keep you informed.