Monday, January 10, 2011

New Working Hours

Thank God we're in the New Year, I missed my routine. I'm not one for working on the fly, I just can't do it, I have to organise my time. So now the boy has gone back to nursery I am now back at my desk regularly until the new baby comes when all my writing plans will fly out of the window. Here is the new schedule of my working week.


7.30am - get out of bed.
8.35am - take the boy to nursery and walk the dog.
9.15am - sit down to write.
11.50am - collect the boy from nursery and eat lunch.
12.50pm - take the boy back to nursery.
1.00pm - sit down to write.
3.50pm - collect the boy again and then try to mix house work and playing with the boy.


7.00am - get out of bed.
9.00am - try to write while looking after the boy.
12.00pm - eat lunch.
1.00pm - try to do more writing while looking after the boy.
4.30pm - prepare dinner, wash up lunch stuff, housework, before the wife comes home.


7.30am - get out of bed.
8.35am - take the boy to nursery and walk the dog.
9.15am - sit down to write.
11.50am - collect the boy from nursery and eat lunch.
12.50pm - take the boy back to nursery.
1.00pm - sit down to write.
3.50pm - collect the boy again and then try to mix house work and playing with the boy.


7.30am - get out of bed.
8.35am - take the boy to nursery and walk the dog.
9.15am - sit down to write.
11.50am - collect the boy from nursery and eat lunch.
12.50pm - take the boy back to nursery.
1.00pm - sit down to write.
3.15pm - go to my third job to get there by 4.00pm.


7.30am - get our of bed.
8.30am - take dog for walk.
9.00am - take child to toddler group.
12.oopm - return home for lunch.
1.00pm - try and write while looking after the boy.
4.15pm - drop the boy off at a friends and go to my third job to get there by 5.00pm

Sometimes if I have a slow day I'll also try and work in the evenings, but I do have to spend time with the wife.

What hours do you get for your writing, and do you think it's enough?


Lucy V said...

"I'm not one for working on the fly, I just can't do it"

I always find it strange people *won't* believe it, but anyone can work on the fly if they have to. Perhaps it's because secretly they don't want to do it enough and need a reason *why* they can't, just like some writers - regardless of being parents or not - find they can't let go of projects enough to finish them, ever. I'm just guessing; us writers can be a funny bunch, I have my own weird ideas too from others' POVs I'm sure.

But if one REALLY has a burning desire to do something like write, It's about discipline, time management and strategy. Routines are NOT easy to implement and sometimes you feel like you might die of frustration and irritation, but it's better for everyone - especially the kid - if you're consistent and most importantly, keep going. If you don't follow your own dreams, how can you tell your kid to do so?

Desire to write (or do anything creative) doesn't have to stop with the onset of parenthood. I wonder where the likes of JK Rowling and indeed SO many other writers who have been parents and single parents would be if they hadn't worked on the fly?

Dominic Carver said...

But I like routine!!!!

Loved your blog too, very informative :-)