My writing seat has been a bastard for a while now. It has a mind of its own, and decides to change height at the most inappropriate moments, whether I want it to or not. It's frustrating when my fingers are on fire and the words are flying to suddenly find my nose on the keyboard. God forbid I decide to lean back and the chair decides my head might have need of being burnt by the room's light bulb. I swear I've heard my chair cackling evilly at night. The chair had to die.
So at 8am this morning I was woken by Parcel Force delivering my brand new, shiny, leather reclining heaven, writing chair (pictured above). It took me ten minutes to fix together and now sits proudly in front of my desk. This chair is not evil; it purrs, I've heard it. It supports me with it's leathery, luxurious comfort.
What happened to the old chair you ask? It's down the local council dump, hiding behind a skip, ready to jump out and savage its unsuspecting new owner. Beware!!!!
"It has a mind of it's own, and decides to change height when you're sat on it"
Apostrophe confusion AND mixed tense in one sentence, script reading hell. Brain. Melting. Cannot. Compute...
; )
Damn, you!!!! woman**&
It's okay Dom, I can help you with your er...little problem. Just click on my "apostrophes and mixed tenses" link on my Top 25. IT'S BE OK. Just stop crying, it's making me all teary myself.
Sorted! Are you happy now, woman?
I've long since abandoned all chairs and taken up residence on the floor...
Doesn't that make your bum numb?
'I have a carpet?', he suggested as if this was an excuse.
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