Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Short Film Scripts

Calling all film makers, budding or professional. I have a catalogue of ten minute scripts I am offering for free with the intention of having them filmed this year.

What I want:

The main Writer's credit.
A copy of the finished film on DVD
A written promise that the film will be entered into every short film festival going.

What I can give you:

A free polished ten minute script.
As many rewrites as you require to see the project through.

What I'm looking to gain from collaboration:

More exposure as a writer and a competition, or festival, win to add to my CV.

If you're interested then please contact me via my website.

Hope to hear from many eager film makers.

Saturday, January 09, 2010


The depression has gone and I'm very nearly off my happy pills. I am almost back to normal ("You were never normal," says my wife). 'MOO COW', I Say!!!!

I am really looking forward to this year. I know things are going to go my way and I will be writing for TV (Canadian most likely), so I can't wait to get started. I still have my children's novel I'm working on, and it will be finished this year. Oh yes it will :-)

I'm also thinking of writing, 'The Hard Way To Become A Screenwriter', a blog book based on my experiences as a new writer, and the pitfalls I've encountered so you don't have to make the same mistakes. I'm so kind to you, aren't I???

See you soon.

Happy New Year, Folks!!!!

PS. If anyone is thinking of making a short film this year my scripts are available and free. All I ask is that they are entered into every short film competition going and I get a DVD copy of the finished article. Please contact me if you are interested.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

The Big 2010 Push

2009 was a huge disappointment mainly due to my lack of activity at the keyboard and my six month experience with depression. Hardly anything was written and only a couple of scripts were sent out. However, December wasn't a bad month with one very likely commission on the horizon for the New Year.

Other years I've had the same big push and usually after a few months I've slacked off. Each year has been a progression on the last, but this time I am determined to carry the momentum onwards...all year. This will start with me sending out one page pitches for current, or planned, projects, to see what interest there is in my work. Then there will be the competitions; I'm going to enter everyone I can.

Push on fellow writers.