On Thursday 28th July 2006 David Gemmell past away at the age of 57.
I have every book David has ever written (as I write this I'm waiting for delivery of Shield Of Thunder, David's last book) all of which have been read several times. The pride of my collection is my hardback copy of White Wolf which I had signed by David when I met him at Borders in Bournemouth. I remember the day, I told my boss I was going to see David for the signing at Borders (during working hours), as he was my favorite writer, and I didn't care if I got the sack over it. My boss accepted my passion and agreed to let me have the morning off.
I stood in line to get my book signed until it was my turn. I stepped up nervously, but I needn't have worried. David was a great man, very humble, with no ego. We chatted away like we were old friends. It was a truly memorable, and inspiring experience for me.
Friends have asked me what my favorite David Gemmell book is. After thirty novels I still have to say that Legend is the most read in my collection. What is so appealing about David's writing? He writes real characters, flawed, but essentially good, trying to do the right thing.
David, for me, was, and is, and will forever be, a true LEGEND.
R.I.P. David, you will be missed.
Update: Sheild Of Thunder arrived on my door mat with a gloriously thick sounding thud this morning. My head will be between its pages until I've finished. It's a great shame the triology will not be completed.